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サイズ 目安(約) - S (23-25㎝) / M (25-27㎝)
部類 ルームシューズ / スリッパ
素材 ボディ:牛革,その他カラー;ゴートスキン / モチーフ:真鍮,ガラス, アクリルパール,ポリエステル,コットン
ご注意 サイズや重さには多少の誤差がございます。




■ネコポスお届け日数:2-3日。13時までのご注文で即日発送。配送料:全国一律送料330円。■宅配便お届け日数:翌日以降(一部地域を除く)。13時までのご注文で即日発送。配送料:本州・四国・九州 660円~ 北海道・沖縄・各地離島 1430円~ (ご注文商品のサイズによって異なります)詳しくはこちら


ひとつひとつ手作業で作っていますので、個体差があります。 ピアス(イヤリング)などは左右で多少の大きさや形の違いがある場合もございます。日本で二重に検品させていただき、良品として出荷しております。











現地に何度も足を運んで地道に生産者との信頼関係を築き8年かけようやく、彼女たちの高く繊細な技術を活かしながらも日本の品質基準をクリアしたアクセサリーが誕生しました。それが、オリジナルブランドMAYGLOBE by Tribaluxeです。



Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
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Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
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Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
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Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem

Motif magnet emblem

Costume back skull (large)
Costume back skull (large)
Costume back skull (large)
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Costume back skull (large)

Costume bag / horse (small)
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Costume bag / horse (small)
Costume bag / horse (small)

Costume bag / horse (small)

Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
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Initial motif magnet emblem
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Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem

Initial motif magnet emblem












現地に何度も足を運んで地道に生産者との信頼関係を築き8年かけようやく、彼女たちの高く繊細な技術を活かしながらも日本の品質基準をクリアしたアクセサリーが誕生しました。それが、オリジナルブランドMAYGLOBE by Tribaluxeです。




Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
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Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem
Motif magnet emblem

Motif magnet emblem

Costume back skull (large)
Costume back skull (large)
Costume back skull (large)
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Costume back skull (large)

Costume bag / horse (small)
Costume bag / horse (small)
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Costume bag / horse (small)
Costume bag / horse (small)

Costume bag / horse (small)

Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
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Initial motif magnet emblem
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Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
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Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
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Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
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Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
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Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem
Initial motif magnet emblem

Initial motif magnet emblem

Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid
Coating Fluid

Coating Fluid




